My research interests span a number of topics, including optimization theory, distributed (multi-agent) optimization, geometric deep learning, causal discovery, uncertainty estimation, control theory and finance.
Some of works appeared in Automatica (Elsevier), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), IEEE Control and Decision Conference (CDC), and Plos ONE.
Some others remained just preprints...
Below you can find all my publications or you can check out my Google Scholar.
Showing 26 papers
Publications by year
Multi-agent active learning for distributed black-box optimization
Cannelli, L., Zhu, M., Farina, F., Bemporad, A., Piga, D.
IEEE Control Systems Letters (2023)
Venture Capital Portfolio Construction and the Main Factors Impacting the Optimal Strategy
Farina, F., Arpaia, M., Khing, H., Vetterle, J.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11013 (2023)
Distributed personalized gradient tracking with convex parametric models
Notarnicola, I., Simonetto, A., Farina, F., Notarstefano, G.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(1), 588-595 (2022)
GTAdam: Gradient tracking with adaptive momentum for distributed online optimization
Carnevale, G., Farina, F., Notarnicola, I., Notarstefano, G.
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 10(3), 1436-1448 (2022)
An Interpolatory Algorithm for Distributed Set Membership Estimation in Asynchronous Networks
Farina, F., Garulli, A., Giannitrapani, A.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(10), 5464-5470 (2021)
Distributed constraint-coupled optimization via primal decomposition over random time-varying graphs
Camisa, A., Farina, F., Notarnicola, I., Notarstefano, G.
Automatica, 131, 109739 (2021)
Intrinsic uncertainties and where to find them
Farina, F., et al.
ICML 2021 workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning (2021)
Data efficiency in graph networks via equivariance
Farina, F., et al.
ICML 2021 Workshop on Subset Selection in Machine Learning: From Theory to Practice (2021)
Symmetry-driven graph neural networks
Farina, F., Slade, E.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.14058 (2021)
Beyond permutation equivariance in graph networks
Slade, E., Farina, F.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.14066 (2021)
Randomized Block Proximal Methods for Distributed Stochastic Big-Data Optimization
Farina, F., Notarstefano, G.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2020)
On the Linear Convergence Rate of the Distributed Block Proximal Method
Farina, F., Notarstefano, G.
IEEE Control Systems Letters (2020)
Upper Body Pose Estimation Using Wearable Inertial Sensors and Multiplicative Kalman Filter
Lisini Baldi, T., Farina, F., Garulli, A., Giannitrapani, A., Prattichizzo, D.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 20(1), 492-500 (2020)
DISROPT: a Python Framework for Distributed Optimization
Farina, F., Camisa, A., Testa, A., Notarnicola, I., Notarstefano, G.
21st IFAC World Congress (2020)
Distributed Submodular Minimization via Block-Wise Updates and Communications
Farina, F., Testa, A., Notarstefano, G.
21st IFAC World Congress (2020)
Asynchronous Distributed Learning From Constraints
Farina, F., Melacci, S., Garulli, A., Giannitrapani, A.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2019)
Distributed interpolatory algorithms for set membership estimation
Farina, F., Garulli, A., Giannitrapani, A.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(9), 3817-3822 (2019)
A distributed asynchronous method of multipliers for constrained nonconvex optimization
Farina, F., Garulli, A., Giannitrapani, A., Notarstefano, G.
Automatica, 103, 243-253 (2019)
A Randomized Block Subgradient Approach to Distributed Big Data Optimization
Farina, F., Notarstefano, G.
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (2019)
Distributed set membership estimation with time-varying graph topology
Farina, F., Garulli, A., Giannitrapani, A.
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (2019)
Distributed Constraint-Coupled Optimization over Random Time-Varying Graphs via Primal Decomposition and Block Subgradient Approaches
Camisa, A., Farina, F., Notarnicola, I., Notarstefano, G.
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (2019)
Asynchronous Distributed Method of Multipliers for Constrained Nonconvex optimization
Farina, F., Garulli, A., Giannitrapani, A., Notarstefano, G.
2018 European Control Conference (ECC) (2018)
Minimum Switching Thruster Control for Spacecraft Precision Pointing
Leomanni, M., Garulli, A., Giannitrapani, A., Farina, F., Scortecci, F.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 53(2), 683-697 (2017)
Walking Ahead: The Headed Social Force Model
Farina, F., Fontanelli, D., Garulli, A., Giannitrapani, A., Prattichizzo, D.
PLOS ONE, 12(1), 1-23 (2017)
When Helbing meets Laumond: The Headed Social Force Model
Farina, F., Fontanelli, D., Garulli, A., Giannitrapani, A., Prattichizzo, D.
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (2016)